Desert Menu

Why not try our dessert wine to finish of your meal?

Muscat de Frontignan, Chateau de Stony

Languedoc Roussillon France

75 ml £4.80 ½ bottle £21.95


Baklava £8.45
A rich, sweet pastry made from layers of filo pastry

filled with chopped walnuts and syrup. Served with

vanilla ice cream.

Turk Kahveli Cikolata Mousse £ £8.25
Turkish coffee dark chocolate mousse finished

with whipped cream and strawberries.

Sutlac (served cold) £7.95
Oven baked rice pudding topped with cinnamon. Served with

Turkish delight ice cream.

Seker Pare £7.95
Turkish style small semolina cookies dipped in a syrup.

Served with vanilla ice cream.

Trio of Ice cream  £7.75
3 scoops of ice cream.

Apple Tea, Turkish Delight, Vanilla and Chocolate








Dairy Free Sorbets; Watermelon, Kiwi and Vanilla


























Our delicious ice creams and sorbets are made exclusively by Vanilli’s Harrogate

Why not try our dessert wine to finish your dinner?
Muscat de Beaumes de Venise La Pastourelle
Delas, France 75 ml. £4.95 ½ bottle £21.95

 Before you order your food and drinks, please speak to one of our members of staff about our ingredients if you have any allergies or intolerances.